Dexter Beef – Full Side – Delivered to your butcher
Due to popular demand, we’re introducing a straight-to-your butcher offering.
Our cattle are always free range, always 100% Irish Dexter. When you place your order, we’ll collect the name of your butcher and have the side-of-beef delivered to the store. You can then have the side customised to your preference – by your local butcher.
The Dexter is ~50% smaller than Hereford or Angus. This means that when you buy a full side – you’ll get all your favorite cuts – but without the need for excessive freezer space.
Enjoy premium restaurant class beef straight from your freezer. Just like we do. A Michelin star chef described this as “Truly Great Irish Beef”. It’s on sale in the best restaurants and hotels across Ireland.
Contact us directly if you would like to know more.
With every purchase you’re invited down the the farm to see where your beef comes from.
2 in stock